Image of US capitol with Warren Communication News Logo in dark sky

Services Provided:

  • Market Research (Surveys and Primary Interviews)
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Marketing ROI Assessment

B2B Customer and Market Research

Our work with Warren Communications News began with market surveys designed to uncover growth barriers and opportunities for the company’s regulatory publications, as well as satisfaction levels of its existing customers.

The outcome of these efforts has informed the organization’s corporate growth strategy by identifying adjacent markets for successful organic growth initiatives and a number of new channels for lead generation.

B2B Lead Generation and Nurturing

To test new lead sources at scale, we have deployed a CRM-based lead qualification system that is currently qualifying hundreds of leads each month for sales follow-up. This system ranks leads based on demonstrated category purchase, email and web behavior, and account activity, providing an ongoing series of communications each month that are used to increment their lead score prior to sales contact.

To date, these efforts have resulted in revenue growth of 20% and more than 200% increase in new leads captured.

Additional Case Studies

Meet some of the other clients Young Marketing Consulting has helped achieve and surpass their marketing goals.