White lilies on top of gravestone with ICCFA logo in the top right corner.

Services Provided:

  • Market Research (Surveys and Primary Interviews)
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Campaign Planning
  • Data Analysis
  • Design Review
  • Messaging Analysis

Revitalizing Membership Growth: Strategic Solutions for the ICCFA

The ICCFA approached us after realizing its membership growth had stagnated. We conducted a comprehensive membership and marketplace survey in order to understand the association’s challenges, then revitalized its membership lead generation and conversion process by helping the staff focus on the marketing efforts that would drive the highest return among the organization’s target markets.

The specific scope activities we completed for the ICCFA were:

  • Identified underserved markets through customer segmentation; interviews with existing, lapsed and prospective members; and member surveys
  • Conducted competitive market research to identify effective marketing channels and messaging issues
  • Established a comprehensive growth strategy built on multi-channel lead generation tactics
  • Evaluated client internal operations in order to diagnose and resolve barriers to lead conversion, including establishment of growth benchmarks and revised staffing levels
  • Presented strategic growth plan to client board of directors and received approval

Additional Case Studies

Meet some of the other clients Young Marketing Consulting has helped achieve and surpass their marketing goals.