US Navy ship in the sea in front of large bridge with sunset in background. US Naval Sea Cadet Corps logo in top right

Services Provided:

  • Questionnaire Preparation
  • Focus Group Facilitation and Moderation
  • Report Presentation
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Project Management

Revitalizing Recruitment: Strategic Insights for U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps Growth

The U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps is a Navy-authorized youth development program for individuals aged 10-18. Similar to the Boy Scouts, the Sea Cadets offer experiences and training in areas related to the navy such as swimming and diving, robotics, leadership, and more. However, Sea Cadets leadership had seen its recruiting and retention figures falling for the past several years, and needed to understand how to improve.

Young Marketing Consulting led a series of focus groups with cadets and adult leaders from around the country that drilled down on several areas critical to informing future marketing efforts: how cadets had heard of the organization, what made them join, and why they stayed involved.

The findings from this effort showed a marketing path to growth and areas to improve the Sea Cadet experience to improve retention, and were well-received by Sea Cadet leadership.

Additional Case Studies

Meet some of the other clients Young Marketing Consulting has helped achieve and surpass their marketing goals.