Geometric illustration of globe in blue and yellow overlaid on white geometric background. International Franchise Association logo in bottom right

Services Provided:

  • PPC Advertising
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Keyword Analysis and Targeting
  • Website Performance Evaluation

Driving Organic Web Traffic to 15,000+ Page Website

After transitioning to a new website and CMS, the International Franchise Association saw its organic traffic fall steadily and brought on Young Marketing Consulting to improve its search positioning. We began with a site assessment of page and keyword performance that uncovered the need for a number of on-site improvements to areas like page speed, keyword density, meta-data, etc. To focus our efforts on this 15,000+ page site, we also held a planning session with IFA’s web team to identify the core targets for revenue generation and funnel organic traffic to those pages. With those pages identified, we have focused on building content and improving index positioning to steadily grow the site’s revenue.

Additional Case Studies

Meet some of the other clients Young Marketing Consulting has helped achieve and surpass their marketing goals.